Editorial: Nigerian women talk about balancing their tech careers and motherhood

From remote work and flexible schedules to supportive spouses and mentors, the women in this story share their experiences and insights on how to balance the demands of working in tech and motherhood.

This story highlights the prevailing misconceptions about mothers' ability to excel in demanding careers, particularly within the tech industry. Despite the baseless assumption that mothers are less dedicated or committed to their professions, this narrative celebrates the remarkable achievements of working mothers who defy stereotypes and prove that they can thrive both as successful career individuals and dedicated parents.

The story showcases the stories of inspiring women who are trailblazers in the Nigerian tech sector. These women are founders, business executives, and professionals who are driving innovation and change while balancing the responsibilities of parenthood. Each story narrates the personal journey, challenges, and victories of these mothers as they navigate the tech landscape while raising families.

Olatokunbo Ogunlade's journey from an unexpected setback to becoming a software engineer, her determination to succeed, and her subsequent creation of 'The Coding Mum' community to support other mothers stand out as an example of resilience. Folasade Daini's ability to successfully merge her professional career in tech with her role as a mother, along with her advocacy for inclusive work culture, highlights the importance of workplace support.

Solape Akinpelu's establishment of Hervest, a financial technology startup aimed at addressing gender finance disparity, underscores how motherhood can drive social change and innovation. Wamide Animashaun's story portrays the challenges and victories of making a career transition in tech to find a better work-life balance, demonstrating that it is possible to prioritize both family and professional growth.

Contrary to societal expectations, motherhood can catalyze, not hinder, a woman's career success. The story calls for an inclusive workplace culture that values the needs of working parents, offering flexibility, understanding, and support.

We are thankful to the editorial team at Benjamin Dada for considering and publishing this story on their platform.

Read the story: These Nigerian women talk about balancing their tech careers and motherhood